Google Ads Management - The Fastest Way To Be Seen And Profit

Google Ads Management - The Fastest Way To Be Seen And Profit

Google advertising is the fastest way for those who need immediate online exposure, there is a quick alternative: sponsored links through Google Ads. Strategically situated on Google result pages, they send people directly to the page you want.

This privileged display, within the world’s largest search engine, will provide a number of advantages for your business, such as: 


  • brand exposure to the right audience;
  • traffic increase;
  • qualified lead generation;
  • more results in less time than organic SEO.

Google Advertising Campaign Operation

At DM1, Google Ads (former Adwords) campaign management is divided into four main activity groupings:

  1. Campaign set up;
  2. Content network;
  3. Management;
  4. Special campaigns.

In addition, our team also makes performance reviews and reports. See below for details of all these processes.

Campaign Set up

Website and Niche Analytics

We reviewed the website to define the initial keywords. At this stage, we even look at the content of the pages and choose a term group that will expand according to your business specialty and works on Google Ads.

Keyword Search

We also use the Google Ads Keyword Tool to research further and broaden the range of keywords relevant to your business. Thus, we discover synonyms and other results that resemble the initial group of chosen terms. This facilitates the exposure and effectiveness of ads.


Set up on Google Ads

We also set up the Adwords Keyword Tool to serve your website ads. This requires a Google account and a bank account to charge for clicks.


After some studies, we specify the range of ads, considering local searches and even the hours and days of ad activation. All to generate the best results for your business.

Optimized Ads

We create headline calls and descriptions based on our keyword list and ad-serving specifications. These details, by the way, are optimized to attract the click of your buying audience.

Google Ads Network

Ads on blogs and websites

In order for ads in a campaign to reach beyond the Google results page, our team also uses the AdSense network. By advertising on this network, your brand can show to over two million websites, videos, and apps. A great way to show your business to the world.

Visual Ads

The content network also allows visual ads. Therefore, we can work your business identity on banners of various sizes that can sharpen people’s memory (regarding your brand) and attract even more clicks.

Specific targets

With the content network configuration system, in addition to choosing the type of ad (banner or text), our team of masters can determine which sites will receive your ads.

Using the category, niche, and number of hits filters, we choose the best pages to display your business name and products / services. You can, for example, attack large portals or choose smaller, more targeted sites.

Video Ads

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and therefore also generates great results. The platform has a particular AdSense system and, depending on the campaign, ads may be delivered to specific videos (such as those that are most viewed), enabling results that are more in line with your business goals.

Google Ads Networks
Google Ads performance management

Google Ads Campaign Management

Periodic re-optimizations

In order to maximize ad results, our media buying team also periodically optimizes Google Ads campaigns. This includes implementations and changes (made based on click movement) that result in significant improvements.

Conditional Changes

Google Ads campaigns targeting e-commerce sites, for example, need frequent updates because of product pricing, inventory, etc. Therefore, our sponsored link campaigns undergo accurate tracking and agile changes.

Ad Variation

In practice, sponsored links work best when they vary the ads that appear on Google results pages. Because, thus, it is possible to define which fits best in each case.

Aware of this, we work with variations and, besides the constant text change, we always seek to increase the quality of the results.

Budget Variation

Ads on sponsored links have a budget set by the advertiser, that is, by you. But because each click comes at a cost, our team is prepared to monitor your ad views and daily budget, which improves your money usage.


We also make settings for each keyword that improve the way your ad appears. This avoids unnecessary impressions and raises ad quality by Google Ads metrics.


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